Tren Penggunaan Bahasa Arab Sebagai Mata Pelajaran Pilihan Untuk SMA/MA Pada Kurikulum Merdeka
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Curriculum development is periodically developed according to developments in science, information, technology and the needs of the times. In selecting subjects, students are facilitated to be able to plan and make decisions based on their own interests, talents and abilities. The type of research that the writer did was library research using a descriptive analysis approach. This descriptive analysis is about blibliography, namely finding facts, results and ideas of one's thoughts through searching, analyzing, making interpretations and generalizing the results of the research carried out. The results of this study are that the selection of Arabic language subjects is becoming a trend among high schools, this happens because language is a basic and important human need because language is a tool for conveying ideas, ideas and human thoughts in the form of speech or writing so that other people can understand them. The benefits of choosing Arabic subjects as elective subjects at the high school level in the independent curriculum include students being able to communicate in Arabic, knowing and understanding Arabic people and culture and being able to study foreign knowledge and culture through books written in Arabic. it's for study
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